First off I have no clue what "Noire" is suppost to mean in the title,(something with film I think?) but this game looks really cool! The game is being made produced by Team Bondi and in conjunction with Rockstar. You know Rockstar, the people who made those oh so fun GTA games and Red Dead Redemption. So apparently the plot is your a detective for the LAPD in Los Angeles in 1947 and your trying to find clues to solve cases. Sounds interesting to me! Rockstar is using an amazing facial expression system in the game that they used sensors on real people to get the characters in game to look life like with there expressions. Which is a great thing because it would suck if you couldnt tell who was lying without the clues of it. Theres car chases, shootouts, etc, everything a detective game needs. L.A. Noire will be released 5/18/11.
lol! homage to film noir maybe?
haha. I guess so!
I'm still not sure what its supposed to mean..
i don't play videogames much, but this title is appealing. Lol, i'll see if you come up with more, i'll follow you.
"La Noire" means The Black in french
I am so looking forward to this, and for ages I was referring to it as "Lah Norey".. how I love to butcher the French language (and can't see .'s)
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